When sea god Poseidon assaulted Medusa, goddess of war Athena - in her rage and jealousy - tried to take Medusa's beauty away. Athena punished Medusa for her own victimization by turning her into a monster with writhing snakes for hair.  Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa was turned to stone, ensuring she would be lonely forever. 

Eventually, a 'hero' Perseus was sent on a quest to kill Medusa. Using a very polished shield to view only her reflection, he was able to murder the Gorgon. Later, he used her head as a weapon against his own enemies. When Medusa's surviving sisters screamed in pursuit of her killer, Athena fashioned a flute whose sound reminded her of their anguished cries.

Medusa's image is synonymous with monstrosity, but history has told her story from the perspective of the real monsters. Her only crime was being seen as an opportunity - for others' power, catharsis, glory. 

Reclaim her narrative to give you the strength to reclaim your own.

Medusa did nothing wrong.

UNISEX SIZING ON ALL ITEMS. Each product was chosen for its eco-friendly and/or recycled fabrics. This collection is ethically sourced. Every piece is made-to-order, reducing environmental waste. If your size is not available, please email to arrange your perfect fit.